
TradeLOOMtoUSDTandothercryptocurrenciesintheworld'slargestcryptocurrencyexchange.Findreal-timelivepricewithtechnicalindicatorstohelp ...,TheLOOMtokenhasatotalsupplyof1.3billion,~1billiontokensareinactivecirculationonEthereum,~130millionareinactivecirculationonBSC.,今天的LoomNetwork即時價格是NT$2.64TWD,24小時內的交易量為NT$128677378.07TWD。LOOM到TWD價格為即時更新。,查看LoomNetwork(NEW)加密貨幣...

0.08357 | LOOMUSDT

Trade LOOM to USDT and other cryptocurrencies in the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange. Find real-time live price with technical indicators to help ...

Loom Network (@loomnetwork) X

The LOOM token has a total supply of 1.3 billion, ~1 billion tokens are in active circulation on Ethereum, ~130 million are in active circulation on BSC.

Loom Network (LOOM) 價格、圖表、市值及其他指標

今天的Loom Network 即時價格是NT$2.64 TWD ,24 小時內的交易量為NT$128677378.07 TWD 。 LOOM 到TWD 價格為即時更新。

Loom Network (NEW)匯率、LOOM圖表和市值

查看Loom Network (NEW)加密貨幣匯率和即時圖表、LOOM市值、24小時交易量、流通供應量、最新消息等資料。

Loom Network (OLD)匯率、LOOMOLD圖表和市值

Loom Network (OLD) (LOOMOLD)在最近24小時內的交易量為US$409,220,對比前一天的變化為 4.50% 增加,表示在最近在市場活動中出現增長。

Loom Network LOOM Price, Live Charts, and News in ...

Loom Network (LOOM) is an Ethereum token that powers a network of delegated proof of stake sidechains (a system that Loom dubs “EOS on Ethereum”).

Loom Network – Production

The LOOM token is a proof-of-stake token used to secure Loom Network's mainnet, called Basechain. LOOM holders can stake their tokens to help secure Basechain ...

Loom Network 價格

2024-02-03 - LOOM 的即時價格為NT$2.653635,市值為NT$3.24B TWD。探索當前價格、交易量、歷史資料、LOOM 相關新聞等。

LOOMUSD Charts and Quotes

View live LOOM Network chart to track latest price changes. Trade ideas, forecasts and market news are at your disposal as well.